If you would like to know more about patenting and licensing you can find a great deal of information on the internet. Both patent applications and patents are published, and that is important when researching an area, just as it can be used for monitoring the activities of competitors. More general information and knowledge are naturally also published.
Useful links
Danish Patent- and Trademark Office
European Patent Office
United States Patent and Trademark Office
World Intellectual Property Organization (PCT)
Anadeus Ltd (defence of patent rights, Martinus Nielsen business partner)
Espacenet - (patent knowledge on the internet - search for patent documents)
Epoline - Online European Patent Register
Delphion - (commerciel patent search and download of patent documents)
BTG - British Technology Group
IBM Intellectual Property and Licensing
DTU Innovation
Forskerparken CAT
Teknologisk Innovation
AAM (Online marketing)